Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Things That Go BLOOM!

Daffodils are blooming all over our yard.  Even some of the ones I planted a few weeks ago are taking off.  I can not wait to see what color they are!

Siberian Iris, I think.  They have only bloomed once since we have lived here.

Hyacinth.  I hope this cold snap does not keep them from blooming.  The were covered in rocks and dirt last year and I did not even know they were in the yard.

White Flowering Almond.  I absolutely love these trees.  I have always thought that these trees were white flowering Almonds, but this is the first year they bloomed.  I have 2 a white and a pink.  We had 6 of them around this small pond, but 4 of them died last year in the freeze and I had to take them up.
Stone Crop and Lambs Ear.  I need to move the stone crop and everything else that is in that bed since it will be a few years until I turn it into my rose garden.  And speaking of roses, looky what I found growing in the area I want to make a rose garden...

How convenient...
It is amazing what you will find around this house when you clean out the beds!  I can not wait to see what all unfolds around here!


  1. Now that is some exciting stuff! I am way jealous yet pumped up seeing that spring is approaching. Enjoy the heck out of it!

  2. I love flowering almond. I planted a pink one at my mother's house. I believe that is regular bearded iris. The Siberian has grass-like foliage with really thin blades.

  3. Flowering Almond is amazing. I haves started using them in the bio-retention ponds and rain gardens that I design. If I spec them small enough, the contractors are able to get them at a good price.

    Thanks for the heads up on the Iris. I have a very limited knowldge of perennials. I will be needing to learn more as thins start to take shape here :)
