Saturday, January 7, 2012

He's Crafty...

A little toot of the old horn is sometime necessary...
Lindsey wanted some shelves for the kids room after x-mas.  So I went to HD to buy some.  I got there and like most things like this though, "$30! F-that!  I can make that!.
Then unlike most time (I think b/c Linds was not there to pull me back down to earth and remind me of my ADD and that it will never get done) This time I DID make that AND for $25 I made 2 of them!

 Finished Product.


  1. Great job,CB ! This would make your Poppa so proud !

  2. Great job on the shelving. Looks very well done. Too often we have great ideas in our house but the reality is the projects tend to sit forever! Wanted to let you know that I've nominated you for a 'Liebster Award'. Come visit my blog to find out the details.
